Article 62. Prescription for instituting legal proceedings concerning the infringement of patent right is two years counted from the date on which the patentee or any interested party obtains or should have obtained knowledge of the infringing act. 第六十二条侵犯专利权的诉讼时效为二年,自专利权人或者利害关系人得知或者应当得知侵权行为之日起计算。
Article 60. The amount of compensation for the damage caused by the infringement of the patent right shall be assessed on the basis of the losses suffered by the patentee or the profits which the infringer has earned through the infringement. 第六十条侵犯专利权的赔偿数额,按照权利人因被侵权所受到的损失或者侵权人因侵权所获得的利益确定;
The paper mainly discusses some issues which are obscure theoretically and difficult to grasp firmly in practise, such as the principle of the infringement of patent right, the confirmation of the patent right infringement and the judgement of patent compensation. 本文主要是对专利侵权的归责原则、专利侵权的认定、专利赔偿的判定等理论上模糊、实践上难以把握的问题进行了论述。
And thirdly, How to solve the patent infringement jurisdiction problem caused by the conflict between the non-regional nature of the Internet that is base of E-commerce patent and the regional nature the patent right protection? 第三,如何解决以跨地域性的互联网为技术基石的电子商务专利与专利权的地域性保护之间的冲突所产生的专利侵权管辖问题?
The system of indirect infringement is unique in U.SA's patent law, deriving from the judicial legal precedent in 1871, with a legislative value in seeking to make the protection of the patent right maximized. 专利间接侵权制度是美国专利法上一套独特的权利保护制度,源起于1871年的司法判例,立法价值取向在于为专利权的保护寻求最大化,将专利权的保护范围扩及非专利产品。
As the cornerstone of patent system, the protection scope of patent as the center of application, examination, grant and infringement judgement of patent right bears most importance. 在专利制度中专利权保护范围是最基础也是最重要的部分,不论是专利权的申请、审查、授予、还是侵权判定,都是围绕着专利权保护范围进行的。
However, in the process of developing of system of patent, patent infringement is plenty of happening, the bigger role the patent right plays in economic development, the more attention people pay, the more patent infringement happens. 然而,在专利制度发展的过程中,专利侵权行为也一直如影随形,专利权在经济发展中发挥的作用越大,专利权的价值逐渐为人们所认可和重视,专利侵权行为也变的越来越多。
So, in order to effectively protect the interests of the patentee, more fully cope with more concealment and complexity of patent infringement, at the same time to avoid the abuse of patent right. 所以,为了更充分有效的保护专利权人的利益,应对愈发隐蔽和复杂的专利侵权行为,同时又要避免专利权滥用。